2 research outputs found

    Supporting user-perceived usability benchmarking through a developed quantitative metric

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    Most user-centered assessment activities for ensuring usability are principally focused on performing formative evaluations, enrolling users to complete different tasks and thus obtaining indicators such as effectiveness and efficiency. However, when considering broader scenarios, such as in User Experience (UX) assessments, user perceived satisfaction (or perceived usability) is even much more relevant. There are different methods for measuring user perception, however most of them are mainly qualitative and based on individual assessments, providing little specific support to carry out comparisons鈥搃.e., benchmarking on user-perceived usability. In this paper, we propose a quantitative metric to achieve comparative evaluations of usability perception based on Reaction Cards, a popular method for obtaining the user's subjective satisfaction in UX assessments. The metric was developed through an empirical study. Additionally, it has been validated with usability experts. Besides, we provide a supporting tool based on the developed metric, featuring a framework to store historical evaluations in order to obtain charts and benchmark levels for comparing perceived usability from different artifacts such as software products, applications categories, services, mockups, prototypes and so on. Furthermore, an evaluation involving usability professionals was achieved, providing satisfactory results to answer research questions, thus demonstrating the suitability of the approach proposedThis work was partially supported by the Spanish Government[grant number TIN2014-52129-R]; and the Madrid Research Council [grant number S2013/ICE-2715

    Herramienta de Soporte para la Evaluaci贸n Subjetiva de la Usabilidad Mediante el M茅todo Microsoft Reaction Cards

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en el desarrollo de una m茅trica cuantitativa para la evaluaci贸n comparativa de la usabilidad percibida por los usuarios (usabilidad subjetiva) a trav茅s del m茅todo Reaction Cards, adem谩s de una herramienta de soporte para llevar a cabo dicha evaluaci贸n, con el objetivo de poder realizar y comparar distintas evaluaciones, a帽adiendo una valoraci贸n num茅rica a cada evaluaci贸n. Reaction Cards es un m茅todo para medir la satisfacci贸n del usuario, y este es un aspecto fundamental a la hora de realizar un an谩lisis de usabilidad, por lo que es necesario poder comparar evaluaciones y establecer umbrales que permitan determinar qu茅 soluci贸n es mejor. El m茅todo de Reaction Cards consiste en solicitar al usuario que seleccione entre 118 tarjetas con adjetivos aquellas que representan su experiencia con la aplicaci贸n, ampliando luego el an谩lisis a obtener comentarios de las cinco tarjetas m谩s representativas. Para interpretar estos resultados, en estudios anteriores se han dividido las tarjetas entre positivas y negativas. En este trabajo, se ha encontrado que la mejor forma de obtener una valoraci贸n num茅rica de cada tarjeta ha sido realizar un estudio con 55 sujetos para que valorasen cada tarjeta entre 1 (muy negativo) y 5 (muy positivo). La media acotada de la opini贸n de todos los sujetos es la puntuaci贸n asociada a cada tarjeta, y finalmente la puntuaci贸n final de la evaluaci贸n se forma como la suma de puntuaciones de las tarjetas seleccionadas entre la puntuaci贸n m谩xima con ese n煤mero de tarjetas, multiplicado por 100. La herramienta desarrollada es una herramienta web que permite el registro e inicio de sesi贸n de usuarios. Cada usuario puede crear sus propios estudios (de los que es propietario), indicando la categor铆a, el nombre de la aplicaci贸n, el sistema operativo y la versi贸n del mismo. Los usuarios ven los estudios de los que son propietarios, pudiendo a帽adir nuevas evaluaciones o acceder al detalle de los mismos y ver las evaluaciones realizadas con los comentarios recogidos. La herramienta proporciona adem谩s un sistema que permite comparar distintas evaluaciones de forma visual, mediante gr谩ficas y nubes de palabras. El desarrollo se ha realizado en HTML/CSS/JavaScript para la vista, PHP para el controlador, y SQL para el modelo. La herramienta muestra las ventanas en el navegador, siendo p谩ginas din谩micas que se generan en PHP en el servidor web, accediendo a la informaci贸n del modelo contenido en una base de datos MySQL. Sobre la herramienta, se han realizado pruebas de usabilidad, en las que han participado 10 sujetos y ha permitido ver que la herramienta cumple con requisitos de facilidad de uso y de aprendizaje. En conclusi贸n, se ha realizado una herramienta que permite gestionar y realizar estudios de usabilidad, aportando una puntuaci贸n num茅rica a cada evaluaci贸n de manera que se pueden comparar m谩s f谩cilmente dos soluciones distintas, todo ello bajo la premisa de la facilidad de uso.This Bachelor Thesis consists in the development of a quantitative metric for the comparative evaluation of the usability perceived by users (subjective usability) through the Reaction Cards method, as well as a support tool to carry out that evaluation, in order to be able to make and to compare different assessments, by adding a numerical rating to each assessment. Reaction Cards is a method to measure user鈥檚 satisfaction, and this is a main aspect to consider when you are making a usability analysis, so it鈥檚 necessary to compare assessments and determine thresholds to see which solution is better. Reaction Cards method consists in showing the user a set of 118 cards, and encourage him to pick the cards that represents more his experience with the application, obtaining more comments from the user asking him about the five most representative cards. Previous studies have divided the cards between positive and negative to interpret these findings. However, in this thesis we found that the best way to obtain a numerical rating for each card has been doing a small study with 55 subjects in which the subjects select a rating for each card from 1 (very negative) to 5 (very positive). The average opinion of all subjects is the rating associated to each card, and finally the final score of an assessment is the sum of the ratings of selected cards, divided by the maximum score with that number of cards, multiplied by 100. Developed tool is a web application that allows user registration and login. Each user can create his own studies, which he is the owner, introducing category, application name, operating system and version. Users can see the detail of the studies of their own, and they can add new assessments or look at the comments received in previous assessments. The tool also gives a system that allows comparing different assessments in a visual way, using plots and word clouds. Development has been realized in HTML/CSS/JavaScript for the view, PHP for the controller and SQL for the model. The tool shows the interface in an explorer, each interface is a dynamic page generated by PHP in the web server, using the data allocated in a MySQL database. For testing, a usability testing has been performed, realized by 10 subjects, and this test has allowed to check that the tool complies with the ease of use and learning requisites, and has to improve in perceived usefulness. In conclusion, the developed tool allows to manage and realize usability studies, giving a numerical rating to each assessment and allowing to compare different evaluations easily, with an ease of use